IREL donates artificial limbs for Divyangjan
Artificial limbs for Divyangjan – Through its CSR initiative, IREL (India) Limited, a PSU under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of people with disabilities. CSR distribution of intelligent artificial limbs and prosthetics was carried out in nearby areas near IREL operating plants.
IREL undertook CSR activities in order to make a significant difference in the lives of people who have had limbs amputated. Under its CSR fund, IREL provided advanced prosthetics to people with disabilities in areas near its mining sites. This will benefit people with disabilities’ livelihoods and provide them with a higher quality of life. The locals were given 42 different types of artificial limbs (below knee, above knee, below elbow, above elbow).
Speaking on the occasion, IREL (India) Limited Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) D Singh stated that this activity has elevated IREL’s CSR activities to a new level. The recipients thanked IREL for this initiative and expressed their support for the company.
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