On Wednesday, Intel named Gokul Subramaniam President of Intel India. In his new post, Subramaniam will be responsible for Intel’s complete engineering and design activities in India, including fostering innovation, cross-group efficiency, and product execution from the site.
Gokul Subramaniam has been with Intel for almost 11 years, serving in a variety of technical and business leadership roles in product and systems engineering. Subramaniam is based in Bengaluru and now serves as vice president in Intel’s Client Computing Group (CCG) and general manager of Client Platforms and Systems. Subramaniam will assume the new post of Intel India President in addition to his present functional responsibilities as CCG’s leader of Client Platforms and Systems.
Intel India, as a significant engineering and design center for Intel, is important to our company’s transformation journey and path to product leadership. “I am excited about the site’s engineering prowess and the opportunities it brings to accelerate innovation and advance excellence in the execution of our engineering programs,” said Subramaniam.
Gokul Subramaniam
Gokul Subramaniam has a bachelor’s degree in electronics and communications engineering from the University of Madras, a master’s degree in computer science and engineering from the University of Texas, and a certificate in general management from the MIT Sloan School of Management. He holds six patents and has five more pending in the fields of computing, wireless, and power.
Santhosh Viswanathan, Intel India’s Vice President and Managing Director-Sales, Marketing and Communications Group (SMG), will continue to be in charge of the company’s overall operations in India, including developing new revenue and growth possibilities.
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