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Google Chrome users will see increased battery life on Windows laptops, Macs

Google Chrome

Google Chrome users to see increased battery life on laptops

Google Chrome – Google has recently released new optimization features for its Chrome desktop web browser that aim to improve battery life and memory usage. The Energy Saver and Memory Saver modes for Chrome 110 desktops for Mac, Windows, and Chromebooks are now available globally. These new features and changes are expected to improve laptop performance and battery life.

Memory Saver mode is a new feature in Google Chrome that allows users to free up RAM by putting unused tabs to sleep. The energy saved will be used for more demanding activities, resulting in a smoother browsing experience.

We’ve all met someone who has a million tabs open on their browser. The Memory Saver feature will allow them to open tabs guilt-free because inactive tabs are still visible and can be reloaded at any time. Furthermore, frequently visited websites can be marked as exempt from Memory Saver, ensuring that they always run at peak performance.

Google Chrome

The Energy Saver mode disables any unnecessary background website activity, such as visual effects and animations, allowing for more efficient power consumption. This feature can be activated when the device’s battery level falls below 20% or when the device is unplugged from the power source. This new feature will improve laptop battery life.

These optimization features are enabled by default on Chrome 110, but users can disable them at any time by going to the Performance tab of the system settings. Chrome users can expect improved battery life and overall performance once the features are enabled.