CVO, CIL – At Coal India’s headquarters in Kolkata, Shri Brajesh Kumar Tripathy, Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), presided over a discussion with Executive Directors and Heads of Departments on Participative & Preventive Vigilance.
Shri Tripathy emphasized the importance of preventive vigilance during the meeting. He noted that the purpose of such initiatives is to raise awareness and strengthen collective commitment to maintaining integrity in public government.
Coal India has launched a three-month campaign to disseminate the ideas of preventive vigilance in accordance with the CVC’s recommendations.
The campaign, which will run until November 15, 2023, will focus on various aspects of preventive vigilance, including raising awareness about Public Interest Disclosures and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution, conducting capacity building programs, identifying and implementing systemic improvement measures, leveraging technology for efficient complaint disposal, updating circulars, guidelines, and manuals, and expediting complaint resolution.
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