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AAI Kolkata Airport organizes BCAS AVSEC Induction Training

AAI Kolkata Airport

AAI Kolkata Airport – BCAS AVSEC Induction Training

AAI Kolkata Airport – New Delhi: Today at the Kolkata Airport of the AAI, the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security BCAS AVSEC Induction Training for Private Security Agency PSA began. 
Capt. Sudhir Kumar Malik, Offg. Executive Director (Security), AAI, officially launched the training programme in the presence of Sh. Manoj Gangal, RED (ER), Sh. C V Deepak, APD Kolkata (officiating), and Sh. L Haokip, CASO, @official cisf. All 74 participants will receive this instruction from AAI’s Aviation Security Instructors over the course of five days. 
The PSA will be qualified to undertake Aviation Security Duty in the non-core regions after completing this basic training programme. As of the start of this training programme, Kolkata Airport is the first AAI airport where this type of training is organised and carried out. 
